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Jamf Gold Partner

Jamf is trusted by 71,000+ businesses, schools and hospitals, managing and securing over 30 million devices to maximize their tech initiatives. With Jamf you can manage all of your Apple devices and secure them to stay protected against security threats.

Jamf is the standard for managing and securing Apple at work.

Trusted Access, a journey or maturity model that is achieved by incorporating multiple Jamf products that will improve your security posture and user experience, ensures that only trusted users on enrolled, safe devices can access company data.

Trusted Access can be achieved by:

Trusted Access, a journey or maturity model that is achieved by incorporating multiple Jamf products that will improve your security posture and user experience, ensures that only trusted users on enrolled, safe devices can access company data

  • Requiring only authorized users are granted access on enrolled devices
  • Providing a secure connection to corporate apps and data
  • Delivering comprehensive modern security to defend against an evolving threat landscape

MANAGE devices

  • Zero-touch deployment
  • Mobile Device Management (MDM)
  • Application management
  • Inventory management
  • Self Service: company-owned app and catalogue

SECURE endpoints and network access

While Jamf is committed to being Apple-first, Apple-best, we support other platforms too. Our Mobile Threat Defense, Zero Trust Network Access and web-based content filtering capabilities support Android and Windows operating systems.

  • Identity and access management
  • Endpoint protection
  • Threat prevention and remediation
  • Content filtering and safe internet
  • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)
Our Solutions to your business problems

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·   Mon – Fri 09:00-6:30